Researching New Metaphors for UI, AR, and Coding
World As Construction Kit
Researching New Metaphors for UI, AR, and Coding
World As Construction Kit

Researching New Metaphors for UI, AR, and Coding
Researching New Metaphors for UI, AR, and Coding
Over 10+ years the JoyLabz team has provided product design insights, talks, and workshops to dozens of companies. We have also designed many products for companies that shipped and won awards.
"Thanks to Crowdfunding we have the Makey Makey." Season 27, Ep. 6
Interview by Peter Diamandis of XPrize at Singularity University
JoyLabz Products on Today with hosts Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee
Channel 3 news story on inventing in the classroom during Black History Month
JoyLabz' work has been covered by dozens of news outlets over the years
Jay Silver and Bill Nye at the White House by invitation from Obama (Photo by USA Today)
CEO/Head of Research
COO JoyLabz/MakeyMakey
Chief Creative Officer
Sean Montgomery, PhD, Hardware/Software Hacker
Director of Community
Full Stack Developer
Senior Software Engineer
Social Play Designer
"They bring a passion and approachability to product design that’s contagious. The concept of stickers, remixing, and packaging scripts in a different way with prefabs could help inform our roadmap. Love the framework/question on audience - are we targeting beginner or intermediate? Really appreciated some of the more top-level/controversial feedback items." ~Meta Team
"We had the pleasure of experiencing JoyLabz for a full morning workshop, where they took our clients on a great journey through the workings of the human mind to unlock our potential to think creatively. The event was inspiring, fun and weird - all at the same time." ~Google, Sune Nielsen
"The Joylabz session was a brisk-paced immersion allowing designers at various levels of understanding to quickly grasp basic hardware/software prototyping approaches. The Makey Makey session was instantly gratifying as well...enabling exploration by seasoned digital experts and those just exploring the domain alike." ~IDEO, Danny Stillion
"Jay Silver was fantastic to work with. His enthusiasm is infectious. He is a kind and genuinely engaging individual. And he both held the audience in the palm of his hand and absolutely threw them into hysterical laughter. I would highly recommend him to others. Looking forward to future opportunities!" ~VMWorld, Clare O'Boyle
"Jay was one of the biggest surprises we had at PopTech. Easily a crowd favorite, Jay is an engaging and lively speaker, spreading the gospel of DIY art-tech with an infectious blend of humor and intelligence." ~PopTech, Kiley Lambert
"I found the Mon am presentation to be really inspirational, especially with respect to the 'house' metaphor, e.g. how do we 'lower the floor' for entry, keep the ceiling suitably high and expand the walls to enable a variety of use cases/forms of creativity. The notion of the 'beginner’s mindset' is especially applicable as we think about our roadmap. Loved that they highlighted community stories and anecdotes to underscore the human impact of the product, as well as the admission that users came up with use cases that they could never have envisioned." ~Meta Team
How can we increase the worldwide measure of creativity: Gigahand?
8 Billion pairs of hands creating realty together.
NSF Sponsored us to start a learning scene, so we can think bigger with our scenius.